Get the Best Exit Light Prices in the Philippines With Ecoshift

Buildings should have adequate lighting for many purposes. Some of these fixtures, just like emergency exit signs, are for the safety of the people inside the establishment. These fixtures are placed near fire exits and other escape routes to guide people out of the facility when there’s a disaster or any other unforeseen circumstance.

Ecoshift Corporation prides itself in providing high-quality lighting fixtures to its clients. We are a company that can supply you with exit light signs in the Philippines. Reach out to our team today to learn more.

Why Is There a Need for Exit Lights?

Unlike other kinds of lighting fixtures, exit signs aren’t installed to improve the aesthetic appeal of a commercial establishment. Instead, they are mounted near entryways and other escape routes because they help keep people safe in cases of emergencies.

Exit light signs are perpetually switched on. Unfortunately, there are times when they are neglected by building owners because people find it hard to see how vital these lights are. If you own a commercial establishment, such as a retail store, an industrial facility, a warehouse, or an office space, be sure to always take care of your exit signs. Here are two of the main reasons to do so:

Safe Evacuation

Exit signs are a type of emergency light, so they most likely only serve a purpose during unforeseen circumstances. When the power is cut off inside a building during a disaster, such as earthquakes, torrential rains, or massive blackouts, exit lights still flow bright for over an hour or so. This period should be enough for the fixtures to be used as a guide for evacuating individuals from inside the building.

This is the reason exit lights are always either red or green only. The color red is often interpreted as a sign of danger or crisis. When they are seen during an emergency, these fixtures can help people realize the urgency of their situation and encourage them to move fast if they want to save themselves and others.

Green, meanwhile, is a more neutral color. As opposed to red which can cause panic, green is used to induce calm and peaceful evacuation. Additionally, this color can be seen even from far away, so the glowing green exit sign can easily guide people who want to leave the building.


You need to install exit lights in your building because it is required by law. The rules and regulations may differ depending on your local government. Still, the Fire Code of the Philippines mandates that there should be adequate illumination near exits and escape routes of the facility. Some buildings are also obligated to have signs that help determine the location of exits.

Compliance with the law is crucial not because you might be penalized if you don’t do so. Rather, business owners should adhere to the rules and regulations because the lives of the people inside the building, including employees and customers, might be compromised by their nonconformity.

If you’re planning to purchase new exit signs for your building, be sure to get them from trusted lighting suppliers in the Philippines. That’s what we are here at Ecoshift Corporation. Our company can provide you with high-quality fire exit lights and other emergency fixtures. Feel free to get in touch with our team today if you wish to check out our products.

Where Are the Most Common Fire Exit Sign Locations?

All the emergency lights in your building should be placed in strategic locations to help save as many people as possible. If you are still on the planning stage for the interior of your building, here are a few spots to install your exit light signs in:

  • Hallways – Corridors and other main pathways in your building should have exit signs that point toward the direction of the nearest escape route.
  • Storage Areas – This place is typically closed even when someone is inside. Be sure to label the nearest exit route to ensure that the person in the storage area can evacuate safely during times of emergency.
  • Bathrooms – Like storage areas, bathrooms are closed spaces, so people can get trapped inside if the escape routes aren’t labeled properly. To prevent that from ever happening, be sure to install exit light signs near the doors.
  • Work Areas – The most crowded parts of any commercial building are working areas. Install exit signs near all escape routes to help keep everyone safe.
  • Lobby – Like the work area, the lobby can get crowded at times. That’s why you need to install emergency lights on fire exits and other ways of egress to help ensure everyone’s safety in an emergency.

Where Can You Purchase Emergency Exit Lights?

Emergency exit lights in the Philippines should adhere to the standards. They should easily be seen and understood, so they can guide people out of a building during a massive blackout. Apart from that, such fixtures should remain on for at least 90 minutes after the power in your commercial establishment is cut off. This period will most likely be enough for everyone in the facility to evacuate safely.

If you want to purchase emergency exit signs that will meet industrial requirements, be sure to get them from a reliable supplier. Ecoshift Corporation can be your partner with that. We are a trusted company that helps provide high-quality lighting products to our customers in the Philippines. We can offer you top-of-the-light exit light signs, so feel free to contact us today. Get in touch with our team if you wish to browse through some of the products we sell.

Ecoshift’s Exit Light Products

If you’re planning to purchase exit lights here at Ecoshift, there are plenty of choices to check out. Here are a few options that might pique your interest:

LED Exit Sign (Glass Exit Word, Double Face)

Exit signs need not be too flashy, so simple designs like this one should be enough. It has the word “Exit” written in white and capital letters, making it easier to read, especially when the power is cut off and the whole area has become dark. You can rest assured this product can stand the test of time and won’t get damaged easily. After all, it has an aluminum housing and a glass panel that are both durable and long-lasting.


Emergency exit lights in the Philippines are a much-needed tool to help people inside a building evacuate safely during times of crisis. Commercial establishments are required by law to have their escape routes and fire exits properly labeled, so installing these fixtures is a must for any business owner. Failure to comply can surely result in grave consequences, depending on the local government’s policies.

If you’re looking for high-quality lighting fixtures in the Philippines, never think twice about partnering with a trusted provider. Ecoshift Corporation is here to supply you with emergency exit light products that you can install in your building. Get in touch with our team today if you wish to place an order.


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