Make Communities Safer by Installing LED Street Lights

Roads get busier as cities and towns develop. The streets and alleyways are filled with pedestrians, bikers, and motorists, so keeping everyone safe at all times is a huge responsibility for governments and community managers. One way to fulfill this obligation is to keep roads visible from morning until late at night. Lamp poles should be erected, and LED street lights should be installed. This way, people can avoid getting caught in accidents or unfortunate situations.

Ecoshift Corporation is here if you wish to keep your neighborhood safe at night. We can supply you with high-quality LED street lights that can illuminate all kinds of roads, from tiny streets to major highways. Feel free to reach out to our team today to order our products.

Contact Ecoshift Corporation for more information!

Why Are LED Street Lights Important?

LED street lights are a vital tool for keeping communities safe and secure, especially at night when there is no natural sunshine to illuminate the roads. Here are a few ways these luminaires help maintain peace and order in a neighborhood:

Reduces Vehicular Accidents

Vehicular accidents often lead to damage to property. In worse cases, they can result in the injury of one or more people, depending on how strong the impact of the crash is. Minor collisions can cause light wounds, such as scratches or grazes on different parts of the body. However, other accidents can endanger lives or bring about a permanent disability.

To prevent these unfortunate circumstances from happening, the roads where vehicles pass should be properly illuminated all the time. Installing solar-powered street lights is a good way to make the streets visible at night and decrease the incidents of vehicular crashes.

Lessens Crime

Crimes happen all the time, but they are more prevalent at night when streets are less busy and fewer individuals are around to witness these acts. That’s why it’s natural for people to feel unsafe when passing by a dim alley with only the moonlight illuminating the way. If they get robbed or assaulted, there’s a high chance they won’t recognize the perpetrator’s face.

To make pedestrians feel safe and secure at night, solar street lights should be set up in strategic locations. People who are up to no good would think twice before committing any violent act when the roads are properly illuminated. Residents in the neighborhood can ensure that the chances of them getting mugged or robbed at night are low.

Improves Neighborhood Quality

Adequate illumination from morning to night creates a vibrant atmosphere and makes the neighborhood seem like a peaceful place. That’s why it’s important for local governments and community managers to invest in high-quality lamps that can brighten up the roads after the sun sets.

There are many street light options to choose from, and some of them are quite cost-effective. For instance, LED street lights that are solar-powered don’t consume a lot of power when they are switched on. They harness energy from the sun in the morning and convert that to electricity to turn the lights on at night. If you are interested in this product, contact us at Ecoshift Corporation today!

Ecoshift Project: LED Street Lights Installation on a National Highway

Over the years, Ecoshift has completed various projects in different parts of the country. The clients who partner with our company range from private businesses to public offices. At some point, our team was asked to illuminate a national highway with street lights, and we’re proud to add that job to our ever-growing portfolio.

Ecoshift’s 120W LED Street Light Installation Project – National Highway in the Philippines

National roads are always busy, and there are hundreds if not thousands of vehicles that pass there at any given time. It’s important to keep it illuminated at night for the sake of motorists who are passing by the highway, possibly to go to work or come back home.

We installed 120-watt LED street lights, which are incredibly durable and long-lasting. It has an aluminum casing, so it won’t get damaged even under extreme circumstances. Additionally, it is powered by LED, so it can stay on for up to 50,000 hours.

LED Street Light 120 Watts

Are Solar-Powered Street Lights Better Than Traditional Models?

More and more people are switching to solar-powered street lamps, and there’s a good reason for that. Here are a few benefits of using LED street lights with solar capacity:

Depends Less on Conventional Energy

In a nutshell, solar street lights are cost-effective. They don’t depend too much on large power grids because they harness energy from the sun and use it to power up their lights. Solar LED street light prices in the Philippines can be quite high, but your savings on your electric bills will cover the expensive upfront cost in the long run.

Better for the Environment

People are embracing green energy and are looking for more renewable sources of electricity. They are searching for tools and products that can reduce their carbon footprint, and solar-powered street lights are a great example of those.

These fixtures are better for the environment because they don’t depend too much on the energy from power grids, which may use nonrenewable sources. Additionally, they don’t burn any fossil fuels or produce greenhouse gases when they’re turned on.

Easy To Install

Traditional street lamps are quite difficult to install because they should be connected to a power source, which means they have wires that sometimes run underground. This isn’t the case with solar street lights. You simply need to erect the pole then attach the solar panels and the lamps.

When choosing lamp posts, you should select durable and sturdy products that won’t topple down easily, even with strong winds or other natural calamities. The price of these street light poles in the Philippines can be a little high, but the products you’ll buy will be totally worth it because everyone in your community will benefit from them.

Partner With Ecoshift for Your Solar Street Light Needs

Ecoshift is here to provide you with high-quality LED street lights in the Philippines. If you wish to illuminate the roads in your neighborhood and keep the whole community safe, don’t hesitate to call our team. We’ll supply you with durable and cost-effective lamps that you can install in alleyways and roads.

Contact Ecoshift Corporation today for more information.


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